Hero Background

Nau mai, tahuti mai!

Culturally-relevant support acknowledging the critical contribution Māori teachers make to education and the achievement of Māori students
  1. Student Activities
  2. Classroom Activities
  3. Te Reo Māori
  4. Something random

Ngā pae tautoko | On Ako Panuku

Ngā akoranga | Upcoming workshops

Ngā rauemi o te wā | Trending resources

Ngā huiata | Webinars

Ngā Hapori | Communities

Community thumbnails website3

Te Kāhui Kaiako Reo Māori

Promoting the value and recognition of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga by strengthening teacher practice.

"Me rangatira te ako mō te oranga tonutanga o te reo."

For Māori language teachers and others who share an interest in the teaching and learning of te reo Māori.

Community thumbnails website v2

Te Kāhui Kaiako Pūtaiao

Promoting mātauranga Māori of the natural world.

"Kia mau tonu ki ngā taonga tuku iho, kia tika ngā mahi Pūtaiao."

For kaiako and others who share an interest in promoting science through a Māori worldview.

TPK thumbnail website

Te Pōkai Kākākura

Inspiring and strengthening Māori leaders into the future.

"Mā te huringa pungao, i heke mai te ira wairua."

For leaders and kaiako who are keen to develop leadership capability.

Join our Communities

We’re constantly uploading more resources, workshops, and webinars

Keep checking back for our latest resources, workshops, and webinars. If you are an Ako Panuku member, our e-Pānui will keep you up to date on the latest releases.

We’re constantly uploading more resources, workshops, and webinars